Chinese Knowledge Contest
On the afternoon of 25th October, the Chinese Department of Anqing Foreign Language School’s Primary Section held a spectacular JX grand challenge in senior grades: Chinese Knowledge Fun Competition.
First of all, contestants were little masters in Chinese elaborately selected by each class. On the other hand, the supervisor was teacher Yang Yu, leader of the Chinese Lesson Preparation Group in senior grades.
Second of all, the contents of the competition included guessing idioms from pictures, filling in verses, proverbs as well as folk adages according to contexts.
Third of all, this contest was featured in team competition, taking class as a unit. During the fabulous event, little candidates were rubbing their hands and endeavored to win glories for their respective class, which demonstrated favorable team spirit and language literacy. Finally, the winning prizes went to Classes 1&2, Grade 5.
Overall, by means of this fantastic event, not only did students feel the delight in that they saw their work pay off, but also were determined to strive hard after realizing their inadequacies, which was just the objective and purpose of the informative competition.



